Choosing A Band Saw

sip-bandsawIf you are looking to cut precise curves in wood then forget a jigsaw, you really need a band saw. That being said, a quality band saw will do a lot more than just cut curves. They are the perfect tool for any master craftsman and you can use a bandsaw for tenons and some smaller rabbet joints, for ripping small pieces of stock and for re-sawing thin strips from larger pieces of wood. Yes, a band saw is a very versatile too and is must have for anyone’s workshop.
You will notice that there are two main types of band saws, (a) floor-standing cabinet models most typically built for professional use, and (b) shorter units that for mounting either on a dedicated stand or on a bench top that are better suited for the home-based craftsman.
When choosing a band saw as well deciding about what your primary use for the saw will be, you need to consider both the depth of cut and the throat. The saw’s depth of cut is measured as the distance from the table to the upper blade guides, letting you know how thick of stock can be cut using the tool. The saw’s throat is the distance from the blade to the vertical frame section of the body of the saw. This distance determines the width of cut that can be completed on the band saw.
It is also important to make sure you have the right size motor for the job. Mst home-level models incorporate a 3/4 to 1 horsepower motor, whereas professional models will have larger motors with variable speeds. For woodworkers, the variable speed won’t really matter too much, as slower than max speeds should be incorporated when cutting metals and some hard plastics.
We have tools for every type of user, and there is bound to be at least one that will be ideal for you.